Location: Norway
Industry: Agetech
Client & product
The client is a Norwegian start-up that develops a product to provide marketplace solutions for the care facilities for the elderly in various municipalities across Norway. Health care personnel and volunteers are driven by the aim to provide good care for the elderly.
Under the supervision of health care personnel, the application allows volunteers to visit the facilities for the elderly and entertain the older people by providing workshops, meetups, and doing some physical activity to make their lives brighter. Health care personnel and patients’ relatives can monitor the provided activities and help conduct them. Besides giving the opportunity to participate in physical activities, the application makes it possible for the elderly to watch and be entertained by the application’s digital content.
VilMer already had legacy code that our team started working with. The first major challenge was to adjust the marketplace’s functionality by making the logic smarter, and thus – more complicated. Secondly, implementation of the streaming software, allowing users to watch digital content, and conducting audio and video calls. Third, integrate the platform with MinMemoria – a start-up bought by VilMer that helps store and use patients’ memoirs to make patients recall positive moments of their lives.
Job done
Relevant assisted VilMer AS with core functionalities development and support. Our professionals work closely with the product team based in Norway to develop new applications, improve and support current functionality, and add new integrations to the system for proper setup.
Implemented features
Digital experiences
The app provides suggestions on entertaining content and delivers functionality to conduct audio and video calls.
Arranging activities
Be it an organisation, school, or an individual, they can contribute experiences to older people through the VilMer platform.
Admin panel
VilMer platform admins can easily manage the platform’s content with a custom content management system tailored to their needs.
Relevant Software’s senior engineers and consultants work closely with VilMer AS to provide high-quality software development service by supporting existing functionalities and developing new features and applications.