November 13, 2024 1 min read

VICKI Rewards IoT Mobile App


VICKI is an IOT self-checkout solution for retail. Powered by artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies, VICKI is a modern replacement for traditional vending experiences and the first retail solution to leverage AI at the point-of -sale. She takes the POS experience to the next level in an Amazon and Google world.

VICKI’s sleek back and front facing displays and directional audio make her a truly disruptive solution to the retail challenges of the 21st century. VICKI can understand her customers’ habits, preferences, and even questions. She can be placed anywhere you like, and loves to be in the middle of the crowd!

Traditional solutions alike suffer from many business challenges. Often businesses have to combat theft, deal with complex inventory systems, and managing transactions and payment systems. VICKI’s auto-retail solutions streamline and eliminate those challenges by combining artificial intelligence with on-board hardware (thumb scan, screen, and NFC) and dedicated software system for managing all of your administrative needs.

Check out Vicki Rewards IoT Mobile App case study. 

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