The project consists of several services, some of which are developed in-house, while others are third-party components. The key challenges faced by the client include:
Geoserver Management
Handling and processing large geospatial imagery data efficiently.
Database Management
Utilizing PostgreSQL and PostGIS for storing and managing geospatial data, locations, GPS coordinates, etc.
Real-time Data Processing
Processing and analyzing large volumes of data generated by various modules in real-time.
Module Integration
Ensuring seamless communication and data transfer between different modules.
Alert System
Implementing an alert system to notify when emissions or other parameters exceed permissible limits.
Optimizing operations to ensure efficient routing of waste collection vehicles based on monitoring data.
To address these challenges, our company developed the Resource Management Framework (RMF), a suite of tools and approaches designed to facilitate the deployment of powerful digital solutions for landfill management globally. The key aspects of the RMF solution include:
- Configuring and optimizing services to manage the various components effectively.
- Optimizing the client’s existing legacy system, ensuring proper resource allocation and utilization.
- Implementing robust security measures to protect sensitive information.