December 2, 2024 1 min read


by GRT



The Cultivist team decided to create a better tool for their audience to find and book the best arts events. The final product needed to function as a progressive web application and work seamlessly with mobile devices. The product needed to be built from the ground up with the latest technologies and support multiple third-party integrations, including Salesforce. After the initial release, the client decided to add mobile applications to provide an even better service to their users.


Salesforce integration – the solution should have a constant connection to Salesforce with instant updates when orders are placed through the website. PWA – the website should work according to PWA rules and pass a progressive web app test.


The product was built in several iterations, where each milestone was estimated and tested. A lot of attention was given to the UI/UX part of the product, as it will be heavily used by end customers who are in most cases not technical people. Salesforce integration was reviewed and improved where possible, to achieve 100% fault-proof results.


As a result of our work, the client received a really great solution that fully meets their needs. The product works in both web browsers and cell phones and is very easy to use and scale. We continued to work with theCultivist by developing mobile applications and helping them add new features to the product.

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