Preventively identify potential risks in the procurement of Services subordinate to the Agency, as well as comprehensively evaluate the results of procurement
System of Risk Management for The Recovery Agency
Development of Risks Management System, monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of public procurement procedures.
Processes Re-engineering, Development and Support
The Recovery Agency approached us to build a solution that would allow for proactive identification of potential risks in procurement by the Services subordinate to the Agency, and comprehensive evaluation of procurement results.
A flexible system that automatically tracks all necessary purchases, optimizes employee working hours, and allows you to respond to problem situations in a timely manner, identify violations, and avoid procurement delays.
System Capabilities
- Parsing all purchases at Prozorro national e-procurement system
- Flexible choice of buyers for monitoring
- Flexible selection of procurements for monitoring
- Ability to enrich procurements with additional information
- Automatic triggering of 21 risk indicators at the time of procurements update
- Ability to view a list of selected procurements and the risk indicators that were triggered for them
- Ability to filter selected purchases by a number of parameters: indicators, their activation period, purchase status, purchase CPV code and additional features;
- Automatic calculation of key results of selected procurements
- 16 parameters for evaluating procurement results, 6 filters
- Dynamic change of period for analysis directly in the interface
- Ability to export metrics to Excel
Risk indicators
Indicators tied to the details of the procurement in the Prozorro e- procurements system.
Example (the list is not exhaustive, because the indicators are grouped):
- The period for accepting proposals is less than a certain period (group of indicators)
- A non-competitive procedure is defined for the procurement of works over a certain amount.
- No English translation in the procurement of works costing over a certain amount
- There is no requirement for a tender guarantee.
- There is no requirement to secure the performance of the contract.
- No auction in open bidding
- The period for considering proposals is longer than the time limits specified in the legislation (group of indicators)
- The answer to the question or request was not provided in a timely manner
- Overdue notice of the need to correct errors in the proposal
- There is a complaint to the Antimonopoly Committee (AMCU)
- Existing decision of the AMCU in favor of the participant
- In monitoring of State Audit Office
- Decision of State Audit Office on presence of violations in open bidding
- Abnormally low bid from a participant
- No response to participant’s request for explanation of rejection reasons
Key procurement results
Indicators that allow to identify the general state of the procurement process:
Basic information
- Number of announced procurements
- Number of completed purchases
- Share of successful purchases, %
- Average number of participants in completed procurements
- Average duration of completed procurements, days (from creation to completion)
Problematic procurements
- Share of announced procurements with complaints to the AMCU, pcs + %
- Share of announced procurements with satisfied complaints to the AMCU, pcs + %
- Share of procurements with the decision of the State Audit Service, %
- Share of procurements with violated deadlines, %
Savings indicators
- Expected value of completed purchases
- Final cost of completed purchases
- Savings, UAH + %
- Number of contracts concluded
- Amount of contracts concluded
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