Smart Trichoscopy Application With a Hardware Case
Our customer is a global healthtech company specializing in innovative hair research and diagnostics solutions. They offer patented technology that delivers precise and objective trichoscopy measurements, helping to improve the diagnosis of hair-related diseases and treatment monitoring.
Business Challenge
Our customer wanted to develop a mobile iOS and Android application that would work with a company’s proprietary computer vision algorithm and analyze patients’ hair photos taken with the help of a smartphone on its own or paired with a special hardware case.
Technology Solutions:
- A three-layer architecture based on the BLoC architecture pattern
- Extended Flutter functionality with C++ through Darf FFI
- IoT hardware case calibration using C++, OpenCV, and Dart FFI
- Modification of the camera’s native API to allow users to manually select the specific lens
- Fish-eye distortion elimination thanks to using Darf FFi and OpenCV library
Value Delivered:
- Seamless communication between IoT hardware case and mobile application
- Reduced image processing time from 2 minutes to less than 10 seconds by using Darf FFI to force Flutter to call C++ functions for optimization purposes
- Enhanced camera capabilities
Technologies: Flutter, Camera2/CameraX, Dart FFI, OpenCV and C++, SQLite 3, Android APIs, Firebase, Intercom Integration, BLoC Pattern.
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