Scheduler for medical doctors and clinic administrators
The owner of a small medical clinic and doctor service wanted a solution to the task of scheduling numerous house calls. A group of doctors regularly visits patients at their homes, nursing homes, and hospitals. The administrators assign each doctor up to 12 patients to visit every day. The goal was to make the planning work easier, save time, and reduce errors.
The new custom standalone system needed to be synchronized with existing Electronic healthcare records (EHRs). These are real-time records that contain patients’ medical history, diagnoses, medications, treatment plans, immunization dates, allergies, radiology images, and laboratory and test results in a digital format. EHRs allow physicians and other authorized users to access this information instantly and securely.
The synchronization of the two systems would allow the customer’s clinic and doctors to use patient information that is constantly updated by other healthcare providers. The customer also required a handy application to help doctors manage their schedules, optimize their travel to the patients, and provide relevant medical information on each patient when the doctor is on a house call. The application should perform smoothly on a smartphone or tablet regardless of the Operation system.
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