December 13, 2024 1 min read

[$RFD] Refund. Branding & UX/UI

Interactive website and brand identity for $RFD (Refund), one of the most promising crypto projects in the blockchain space. Mysterious and anonymous, they are revolutionizing the industry. Refund is the project founded by the legendary Blurr.eth, owner of Punk #9998, who remains in the background, his identity and plans are unknown, but clues lie in cryptic messages on the blockchain.

We designed everything essential for a successful business launch: from branding and marketing materials to a dynamic digital platform in the form of an interactive website. Brand identity ensures the project stands out in a crowded market, capturing attention and sparking interest. Whether it’s on social media, DEXTools, or a cryptocurrency exchange, Refund’s presence attracts attention. The website serves as a cornerstone for the community as a place where users can actively engage with the interface, access information, and become part of the community.


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