November 28, 2024 1 min read

Property management and maintenance app


The application was created specifically to facilitate communication between the residential complex tenants and the utility departments that serve it.


The client addressed us with the challenge to create an application that would be an assisting tool in the management of residential complex processes. The key tasks were:

  • Create a single control center for residential complexes;
  • Develop means of communication between the residential complex tenants and the management company;
  • Create an online bulletin board for residential complex tenants;
  • Develop a convenient tool for meter readers transmission;
  • Create a specific platform for making collective decisions.


The New Line Technologies has developed the solution with the following functionality:

  • An application which helps take control over the usage of public utility services;
  • Checking balance sheets of public utility services;
  • Access to archive data containing information about using public utility services;
  • Showing announcements concerning actual changes in electricity, gas and water supplies;
  • An option of conducting online voting on differents issues among the tenants;
  • Transmission of meter readers by the tenants and data processing by the management company.


The application simplifies management processes of the residential complex, provides a specific database of utility services for the tenants and contains actual information about changes in the provision of utility services as well.

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