November 29, 2024 2 min read

PIFW Connection Leaders


PIFW (Private Investment Forum Worldwide) events offer an excellent opportunity for a quick and comfortable investment attraction process. They allow you to organize meetings with interested investors and discuss issues of attracting investments in your project.

“Connecting Leaders” is the mobile application designed specifically for PIFW events, in which large business owners, heads of companies, banks, holdings, investment companies, Royal family offices and large investors participate. This application allows you to establish direct contact between large businessmen, to acquaint them with their business and projects, large investors, potential clients, as well as organize a personal meeting.


The client’s idea was to create a solution for international conferences attended by more than 10,000 heads of the world’s largest investment companies, holdings, banks, family offices, including the Middle East and European royal family offices.

The task was to create a mobile application to improve communication between participants and investors. It should provide contact with other members of the club, allowing for virtual high-level meetings, as well as provide the opportunity to meet in private meetings of club members around the world.

It is a platform for acquaintances, recommendations and organization of direct contact with investors who make decisions, communication with which should be provided via Bluetooth beacons.


New Line Technologies has developed a solution with the following functionality:

The app allows you to manage, create and schedule appointments, and also scans all beacons that are within sight (maximum range of 50 meters).

Investors get the opportunity to get a preliminary look at your project. In case of successful consideration, you can establish direct contacts with key investors through the PIFW app.

  • Ability to publish brief information about your project
  • Ability to share a presentation about your startup with investors
  • Possibility to get feedback from interested investors
  • Approving appointments according to their schedule

The app has been used by members of the Global Investment Leaders Club as their organic networking platform. In it you can:

  • register to participate in any of the forum events
  • find out the agenda of the event
  • organize meetings and negotiations with other participants
  • create and control your personal meeting schedule
  • receive push notifications about meetings


The international community of major investors and business people regularly holds virtual meetings, shares their impressions and forecasts regarding world economic and investment problems.

The mobile application PIFW Connection Leaders helps with the organization of business meetings, makes the process of posting and acquaintance with your projects quicker and easier, allows you to establish direct contact with investors and share presentations of startups.

At the request of club members, the app provides contact with other members of the club, organizing instant phone calls, chats, virtual high-level meetings, as well as the opportunity to meet at closed meetings of club members around the world.

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