December 3, 2024 1 min read


by Onix

PhotoWhy combines the features of a social network and a peer-to-peer learning app for photographers. With the mobile app, photographers can share their shots with the community and easily reach out to the best photographers in the world. Onix’s team joined the project when the client had already developed a list of requirements and the visual design.

We suggested several major changes to the design and functionality and thus, convinced him that we had relevant experience, skills and processes to build a peer-to-peer learning marketplace.

Technical Solutions: Onix developed and implemented all the app’s infrastructure and helped a social media platform evolve into an educational marketplace. During the development, we foresaw the problem of using inappropriate content on the platform. To mitigate this risk, we implemented image recognition at the uploading stage.

Also, we used CDN delivery from S3 bucket to speed up photos loading.


Backend Stack: Django REST framework, PostgreSQL, Redis, Celery, Celery beat, AWS S3 buckets

Frontend: React Native, babel-core, babel-runtime, ESLint

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