November 12, 2024 1 min read

Payment Gateways & Merchant Platform

The current case is exactly about people and team extension for one of our clients. Unzer is a German payment company that builds its payment gateway, merchant management systems, and many other systems and wants to find strong engineers to extend the existing local team. The goal is to reduce hiring processes and people management costs, leaving development speed and product quality on the same level and improving it.


Help clients with the right people around his projects. It requires working as a team extension, following existing development practices, and assisting existing teams with their daily load. And build a dedicated team to work independently on subprojects and cooperate with the client’s project management and product owners.


  1. Decreased expenses for the internal employment process
  2. Flexibility within internal teams’ capacity management
  3. Saved product quality on the same level
  4. Improved delivery process (made it more predictable)
  5. Proposed and implemented automation solution to simplify products
  6. Decreased manual work and improved performance of employees by introducing new ideas and using automation tools

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