Online Clinic
Our client turned to us with the idea of a complex SaaS-based web platform development that could be offered as white-labeled software for clinics. The platform’s main feature is providing real-time telemedicine appointments (secure audio and video) with doctors or any healthcare providers
Standards and Compliances
The software accessibility standard and compliance with regulations within Canada and the USA
- WCAG 2.1
3-rd Party Services
Multi-vendor way of 3rd-party services integration with SaaS software
- Payments: Stripe
- Sending faxes: SRFax
- Sending documents to EHR
- Medical billing: ClinicAid (CA)
- Vonage Video API
Telemedicine Tool
The platform allows conducting online appointments with a patient, both scheduled and not, in-session charting, with the ability to edit Chart Notes document after the appointment, prescribing medications, sharing screen and documents with the patient, conducting group sessions with multiple participants, switching to phone, etc
- Secure Audio and Video
- Secure Chat
- Electronic Patient Health Records
AI Technologies we applied
- Machine Learning
- Voice Recognition
Value Delivered
The challenge we had to solve was creating a paperless environment for clinics and hospitals in the USA and Canada that would comply with national data protection regulations, including HIPAA and PIPEDA. For this, the product had to be designed and developed from scratch and tailored to the specific needs that our client needed covering. We covered:
- Full compliance with US and Canadian regulations
- Complete UI / UX design, clickable prototype, and software development
- Creation of Software Design and Software Architecture
- Technical research, consulting on product features and service
For a more in-depth look at this case study, please visit the SEVEN website.
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