On-Demand Delivery Service
A Look Back
Today, the world is undergoing a significant shift in the way people choose to live, buy and consume. The current emphasis on convenience has created a strong and growing demand for various types of on-demand services.
Delivery, rides, transportation/logistics, education, children/senior caregiving, household, rental properties and lounging, healthcare, fitness, beauty, staffing, dating… All these on-demand solutions have become the new normal.
Businesses now need to be value-oriented and offer more innovative ways to save consumers’ time and effort. What’s more, an ideal service has to aim at giving customers freedom of choice, adapting to routines for those with tight schedules, ensuring the greatest of ease.
Here is where Lezzoo comes into play as a lifesaver for consumers. Thanks to the app, people can get food, market supplies, pharmacy/cosmetics, groceries, flowers, laundry, gas. Even dog walking services!
to Be Solved
Lezzoo was planned to act as an aggregator, uniting a wide variety of suppliers and offering consumers to pick out needed stuff at their fingertips in a matter of seconds to be delivered to the door.
The platform had to serve three distinct groups: customers, couriers and service operators. Our team was not engaged in this project at a fresh start, as the customer version of the app has already been completed.
This way, we had to create a new system that would help manage couriers, while at the same time integrating it with an already existing one, which is responsible for serving end-users. More than that, our task was to build an admin section of the system along with its UI/UX design.
This project is ongoing. The development has been going on for seven months. We work with two-week sprints, conduct daily dev team meetups and have calls with a client two times per week for making updates. After each sprint, we provide our client with a sprint demo to ensure we are on the right track. On top of that, we have personal meetings with a client.
We use individual solutions for each feature to ensure the seamless experience for all parties.
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