November 13, 2024 1 min read

Mortgage advising solution

Mortgage advising solution


1. Low performance due to manual work (paperwork)

2. Bad quality of banking products and credit history analysis

3. Big cost for an employee who does the manual work

4. No ability to leverage between different options having variable arguments

5. No understanding of technologies and ability to compile and manage a development team



1. Increase performance

2. Reduce cost

3. Have an opportunity to discover more options

4. Generate more deals



1. Build an integration with the reporting agency

2. Scrape information about banking products and rules

3. Automate product lookup according to individual request

4. Leverage between MIN and MAX values of the variable arguments during the lookup process and generate more options



1. Full-cycle software development

2. Dedicated development teams

3. Team managements

4. Security audit



1. Web platform that collect individual requests from people

2. Immediate result generation based on automated approach of the credit history retrieving & processing

3. High quality results

4. Solution to generate deals and provide results without any manual work

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