January 27, 2025 1 min read

Mobile CRM on ReactNative

Being on the go a lot of time requires constant access to all your information at any time and at any place. Lack of mobility is a huge loss for organizations, especially today when people tend to work from different locations and in different time zones. ​

Since most customer relationship management systems (CRMs) are mainly focused on commercial projects and their needs, we realized that there are many civic and non-profit organizations, and political parties that are in huge need of a convenient system to manage their daily operations. ​

CiviCRM was a perfect choice to cover all these needs except for two issues: it didn’t have a mobile application and its UX was extremely non-user-friendly. Our engineers addressed the problems upon the client’s request. Their team members spent most of their work time at different meetings, and events, hence, they needed 24/7 access to the data in the CRM.​

Initially, we were to prepare a custom web version that would successfully operate on various devices, including mobiles. That was the starting point in creating CiviMobile as the perfect tool for Android and iOS operating systems which grants access to the information stored in the CiviCRM regardless of where the organizations’ members are. Currently, the CiviMobile application is used by organizations from Ukraine, the US, Germany, the UK, Australia, France, the Netherlands, Canada, the Czech Republic and Belgium.​

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