December 2, 2024 2 min read

Mobile App for Ninety One Nine by BuildApps

With Health in Mind: Mobile App for Ninety One Nine, Developing Healthy Habits

What could be better than a healthy lifestyle? Only the automation of actions that, over time, transform into habits. That’s what the author of the Ninety One Nine concept thought, entrusting BuildApps with the project.

The realization of the concept was undertaken by the BuildApps specialists, who were approached by partners who heard about our mobile app development company through word of mouth.

Despite potential challenges, the BuildApps team successfully tackled the task and, in less than a month, completely closed the project. Furthermore, it is already gearing up for deployment in the Apple and Google app stores and is expected to receive hundreds of thousands of downloads very soon.

Ninety One Nine: When Coaching Becomes a Brand

The Ninety One Nine brand originated from the idea of a well-known American coach who decided to transform the successful concept of self-control and make it available to all. “Just 91 days – and your actions will turn into habits” – isn’t that a motivating slogan?

Design and UX as Key Factors in Mobile App Development

Having received the concept from the client, we at BuildApps started working on mobile application development.

The background is implemented in black, contrasting with white letters and yellow elements, encouraging users to take action. The design itself is executed in a minimalist style:

  • Several graphic elements
  • Welcome motivator from the coach
  • Screens with tips
  • Activity calculator
  • Merchandise page
  • Reminders of missed days

Despite its simplicity, the visual aspect evokes emotions that push the user towards activity. That’s where the strength of the application lies!

Security, Confidentiality, Cloud: Three Pillars of a Successful App

In addition to the visual part, we added privacy terms to the registration screen and a user data synchronization algorithm with the cloud.

This means that information is stored on the MongoDB server, which faces no threats. Moreover, considering the policies of Apple and Google, each user can quickly and securely delete their account from the app and server.

This implementation increased the confidence of the audience in the service. Testing reports through user stories also showed a high level of satisfaction with the UX/UI and technical aspects. 

From Concept to Implementation: Five Steps to Success

According to the contract terms of UX design services, we delivered several ready interface elements of the Android and iOS app to the client, receiving a partial payment each time. We repeated this process five times until we fully implemented the project.

We based it on the .NET MAUI framework, which was optimal for creating the interface for such IT solutions. We designed the UI on this framework, added functional elements, and defined navigation logic.

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