November 12, 2024 1 min read

Mazda: Custom content distribution for car dealers


Mazda started operating in Germany in 1972 and has transformed into a nationwide dealer and service partner network.


Avenga’s teams in Cologne and Berlin were given the task of equipping partners from Mazda Motors Germany with easy-to-set-up dealer websites. For this purpose, Avenga extended a CMS via APIs so that it was able to combine three aspects: the frontend for the end consumer, the guided user interface for the dealers, and the central CMS access for Mazda Motors Germany. Now, dealers can independently create their services at any time and freely define the prices.


Avenga created an individual CMS solution with TYPO3 that provides full access to the page-based architecture. Content can be centrally created and distributed to all dealer’s pages. A PHP 7 and Typo3-based CMS with three dimensions as the backend of the new merchant’s sites. React Framework is used on the frontend side as the basis for a SPA.

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