LMS (Loan Management System)
LMS is a Multi-Tenant platform that provides a SaaS solution for automating microcredit processes.
The LMS project belongs to the domain of financial services in B2B market segment.
Client’s requirements were high-leveled from the very beginning. The New Line Technologies team took on the following challenges when implementing:
- To create a SaaS solution that would allow customers to automate micro loan management;
- To implement a flexible and customizable decision-making system for the providing the credit on the basis of information from credit agencies and self-declared parameters;
- To implement a flexible and customizable system for creation and editing the credit products for the supporting Installment Loan and Credit Line products;
- To automate payment and collection processes
- To automate business processes according to the life cycle of a credit product;
- Integration with credit bureaus, Open Banking provider and acquiring systems.
Taking into account a number of tasks and periodically changing customer requirements, it was decided to build a project on the RAD model, which in the last stages was transformed into Kanban for a smoother transition to the support stage.
The New Line Technologies team has developed a platform that consists of a logical core, responsible for basic business processes and computing, a back office portal, through which configuration and management and a personal API for integration of client applications:
- The platform offers a range of opportunities to support microcredit companies;
- The platform supports two types of loans: Installment Loans and Credit Lines, with flexible adjustment of credit products for each class;
- The system of automatic decision-making based on information from credit agencies and information provided by a potential client has a lot of flexible settings;
- Automation of the processes of payments collection, generation, and signing of documents, collection of credit, and communication information;
- The product supports integration with many providers such as Direct Debit systems, credit agencies, distribution services, and card payment systems.
The Loan Management System project is live, actively marketed as a SaaS solution, and continues to evolve.
From a management point of view, the project turned out to be interesting. The LMS project has undergone a phased design change, rebranding, and several versions of requirements. The risks associated with inconsistent requirements and ever-changing scope of work have been minimized by frequent releases and regular demos, motivated and well-organized work of the New Line Technologies team, and implementation of Change Request Management practices, and best practices in requirements analysis.
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