December 17, 2024 2 min read

Legacy software update, cloud migration and custom development for UK leading pension data company

Client’s context & challenge

As one of the UK’s leading pension data experts, ITM helps its clients and partners analyze, migrate and manage data to deliver the best pension and insurance-related services to the end users. And at a certain point, ITM needed to update the old legacy software to meet the new requirements of the Work and Pensions Committee in the United Kingdom. 

To do so, the company needed to update the existing data orchestration approaches and develop some new ones. It was an immense work, as ITM serves hundreds of thousands of end customers and hundreds of partners who use their solutions daily. 

The Solution & Process

In the beginning, Sparkybit worked on modernizing the legacy software. It was a desktop solution becoming harder and harder to support and scale. After a series of strategic sessions ITM and Sparkybit key stakeholders decided to move to a cloud-based solution. Going to the cloud (here – AWS Cloud) was the best option, as passing to a more flexible, secure and scalable software was vitally important.

Moreover, such a transition included the transformation of data into the format, required by the Work and Pensions Committee. To do so, Sparkybit developed on .NET several modules of ITM platform from scratch.

Achievements and value delivered

Thanks to the cloud migration, ITM clients now have the opportunity to communicate with the Committee directly and use its services with no barriers and bureaucracy.

Before the transformation, as the Committee required special data formatting, the counterparties had to use mail services to send the physical media to do any sort of operation. Now, data management is automated or semi-automated, and thus requires minimal effort. For example, it used to take a month for identity verification, while now it is a 10 minutes action.

In such a way, ITM clients now save hundreds of hours and thousands of pounds monthly while delivering a better experience to the end customers. 

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