November 21, 2024 2 min read

Power Platform Solutions Enhancing Manufacturing Business

The Client

The company has provided custom boat construction since 1964. With the rapid growth of new technology, tooling, and equipment, they strive to provide employees with the latest resources to do their jobs and do them well. One of these tools is a high-tech pass that tracks employees’ working hours on the backend system. 

The management side of the business work with Microsoft Project. For each construction or repair job, a Project is created. For example, management create a new project whenever a boat comes in for repair and they receive approval for the work. In this Project, each stage of work will be described and have a certain time allocated to it. 

The Problem

Halfway through a project, the client couldn’t tell whether they were following the work schedule or not or how much time workers had spent building or repairing the boat. Ideally, every day, they needed to see how many hours had been accumulated for each project, and since the pass system was custom, integrating it into the Microsoft Project was an additional, separate task for Langate.

For this, the Power Automate and Azure Function tools were used to integrate new features, enabling management to receive data on the time workers spend on jobs.


  • By leveraging the capabilities of Microsoft products, custom code was applied — but minimally. This meant Langate was able to make the integration less long and difficult than if it had been built solely with programming language. The platform facilitates development from a development point of view, reducing the time and effort required.
  • The client can handle their data management independently and make basic changes (except to the minimal custom code). Our expert developed a general app that automatically pulls all the changes made by the worker. With this and the additional database, we have simplified the administration of the client’s data. Plus, there is no need to administrate internal servers.

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