December 4, 2024 1 min read

Federal Dental-Refferals

Federal Dental-Refferals

An enterprise project for managing thousands of NHS patients’ referrals from the United Kingdom 

Industry: Healthcare & Medical

Team size: 5

Partnership: 2018-ongoing

Business need: To overhaul the outdated system, enhance its security, improve overall performance, migrate the app to cloud economics, and cut cost infrastructure maintenance.

Value Delivered:

  • Refined the code quality and performance by increasing the unit testing percentage from 25% to 75%
  • Divided the monolith app into AWS microservices
  • Scrutinized, analyzed, and implemented the NHS Apps Library Requirements
  • Launched the platform’s process of migrating from an on-premises basis to a cloud economy
  • Updated the existing Ruby/Ruby on Rails codebase to make the new EHR and EMR features possible
  • Boosted the app’s testing response practices
  • Developed the app’s successful third-party testing routine

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