Electronic system of registries management in the field of crops production
From concept to implementation
E-Agriculture is a system that allows to access information about agriculture, collect, store, protect, manage, and distribute it. It also facilitates interaction among individuals, legal entities, entrepreneurs, and providers of electronic public services in the field of agriculture.
Our team of 8 specialists has developed a technical assignment for creating the “Electronic Registry Input System in Agriculture,” consisting of nine registries. In the initial stage, we designed the interaction scheme of the registries, general services, and infrastructure.
The creation of a unified electronic system for collecting, accumulating, protecting, accounting for, and disseminating information in the field of plant cultivation, which allows:
- To systematize and automate processes related to the implementation of activities in the field of plant cultivation;
- To digitize the process of providing public services, including administrative ones;
- To ensure the creation and maintenance of electronic registers;
- To optimize the process of using public data from registers.
For participants in the plant cultivation industry (individuals and legal entities, farmers, etc.):
- Systematization and automation of processes will help reduce administrative and bureaucratic difficulties in their work.
- Digitization of the public service delivery process will provide quick and convenient access to the necessary information.
- The creation and maintenance of electronic registers will facilitate the process of accounting for and controlling the production and circulation of agricultural products.
For government agencies:
- Systematization and automation of processes will allow for more effective control over compliance with regulatory norms in the field of plant cultivation.
- Digitization of public service delivery will contribute to improving the quality of service for citizens and businesses.
- The creation and maintenance of electronic registers will simplify the collection and processing of data for further analysis and decision-making.
For the public:
- Digitization of public services will make them more accessible and understandable to the public.
- Optimization of the process of using public data from registers will contribute to increased transparency and accountability in the field of plant cultivation.
More details about eCrops Electronic Registries & Services