Ecolines — one of the largest coach operators in Europe
The task was completely redesigning and developing new applications for coach operators Ecolines and Autolux. Their existing apps, outdated as of 2023, suffered from significant technical debt and numerous bugs.
To modernize the applications, we began by thoroughly analyzing all existing functionality. Our designer created a Functional Map outlining all the main flows and sections, which the clients reviewed and approved. The designer initiated the UI/UX design process using this map as a foundation.
The existing backend provided by the clients was utilized. The mobile developer researched it thoroughly and compiled comprehensive API documentation. Design and development were carried out in parallel: developers worked on approved screens while the designer progressed to subsequent sections.
We successfully delivered modernized Ecolines and Autolux applications, offering a 99% bug-free user experience. The branding was preserved, and the apps were launched seamlessly without any business disruptions.
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