December 30, 2024 2 min read

Delivery Cost Calculation System for 10M Online Shoppers

About the Client

Foxtrot is a leading electronics and appliances retailer in Ukraine. It operates approximately 120 physical stores and caters to over 27 million buyers. The company has also established a strong eCommerce presence, providing high-quality online shopping experiences to over 10 million customers annually.


Foxtrot faced several issues tied to its outdated software:

  1. Limited Scalability: The legacy delivery calculator couldn’t handle high-demand periods, especially during peak shopping, leading to delays and inefficiencies.
  2. Customer Experience Decline: Gaps in functionality and bottlenecks in the software caused increased cart abandonment and growing customer complaints, hampering the company’s omnichannel strategy.

Provided Solution

To meet the business objective of offering customers optimized delivery options, JEVERA developed an advanced microservices-based delivery calculator. The new system calculates precise delivery costs and timelines within seconds, boosting customer satisfaction and improving logistical efficiency.

The solution was integrated into Foxtrot’s monolithic IT infrastructure, requiring a seamless transition of complex business logic to modern microservice architecture. This integration ensured autonomous operation and compatibility with existing systems.

Key Functionalities

  • Robust Integrations: The calculator connects with the product catalog, warehouse management system, transport management system, and courier services.
  • Accurate Geolocation: The system identifies customer locations instantly to recommend the most suitable delivery options.
  • Immediate Calculations: It factors in item storage, logistics availability, and customer location to compute real-time delivery time and costs.

Achieved Results

With JEVERA’s delivery calculator, Foxtrot achieved:

  • Enhanced customer satisfaction and reduced cart abandonment rates.
  • Accurate delivery cost and time calculations.
  • Improved interoperability between systems.
  • Smooth migration to microservices while maintaining compatibility with the monolithic IT infrastructure.

This project has allowed Foxtrot to streamline logistics, strengthen its omnichannel strategy, and elevate the shopping experience for millions of customers.

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