November 21, 2024 1 min read

Custom Organizational Change Management Software Solution

The Client

Our client is a premier provider of IT back-office services in the healthcare industry.

They enhance the experience of healthcare workers in six main spheres:

  • Financial management
  • Purchasing services
  • HR management
  • Pharmacy cost containment
  • Revenue cycle management
  • Technology services

The Challenge

The company we worked with manages over 15,000 employees (both its own and those of its clients) as part of its HR and payroll services.

They used Microsoft Active Directory software until it revealed its performance limitations and inability to handle such a massive amount of data.

The Process

Our primary goal was to develop a high-performing solution that would reduce employee setup time, effort, and potential errors involved with onboarding/offboarding.

As such, we wanted to make our clients’ customers and internal departments more satisfied and efficient with their HR and payroll services.

Achievements and Future Plans

  • While working with the client, Langate developed one of the most efficient and secure change management software solutions for any healthcare unit.
  • With various operations applied to it, this platform significantly improves productivity in managing any medical structure.

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