Custom Development of eCommerce Platform
The Client
Bunddler contacted us to develop an eCommerce platform that makes worldwide shopping easy and affordable by connecting shoppers to shopping assistants. At the time (a decade ago), the company was a startup. Now, Bunddler is a highly scalable and efficient web-based marketplace for worldwide shopping. The platform has over 2 million monthly visitors from 15 countries and provides tools for managing different shopping processes.
The Challenge
The primary problem
Was to build a versatile platform from scratch that provides a plethora of shopping services. Bunddler wanted us to develop a fully optimized and high-performing SaaS platform MVP that shoppers could rely on. After years of fruitful collaboration, we developed a robust web-based international marketplace that connects shoppers to shopping assistants, allowing them to purchase goods globally.
The platform can now handle
Over 20,000 unique orders daily.
Achievements and Future Plans
- Bunddler is now a vibrant platform with over 2 million monthly users from 15 countries. They have saved significantly on hosting over the past years due to code efficiency and have benefited from code and module updates.
- Bunddler’s future plans revolve around continuous platform enhancement to ensure a positive user experience. Implementing the latest digital trends will improve the workflow and allow the marketplace to expand.
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