November 5, 2024 2 min read

Clikk: Streamlined Social Media Management App

Clikk simplifies social media management by consolidating all social profiles into a single platform. Once accounts are set up, profiles can be instantly shared via QR code or link, with no need for recipients to have the app.

With Clikk Cards, users can customize sharing preferences by creating categories such as ‘work’ or ‘friends.’ The app offers a unified feed that aggregates posts from various social networks, allowing users to view tweets, Instagram posts, and Facebook updates in one place. Specific channels can also be filtered out if desired. The “Nearby Users” helps users find and connect with Clikk users nearby, while the “Explore” lets them discover new people to follow.

Available on Android, iOS, and web platforms, Clikk provides broad accessibility and convenience, streamlining the management of digital presence.

Technical implementation

Front-End: We used Xamarin.Forms for cross-platform development, allowing us to create a single codebase for both Android and iOS. This framework offers direct access to native APIs and supports .NET and C#. We employed the MVVM pattern for clear separation between business logic and UI, and used custom renderers to tailor the app’s appearance.

Key libraries include Vapolia.XamarinFormsGesture for gesture handling, Xam.Plugin.Media for media access, Xamarin.Auth for secure user authentication, and Refit for RESTful service consumption. Data caching is managed with Akavache, while Firebase Analytics tracks user interactions.

Back-End: We selected Azure Services for their robust security, performance, and scalability. The system uses a clear architectural onion pattern and REST API, with Mongo C#/.NET Driver and Repository pattern for database interactions. Azure Cosmos DB provides secure data handling with HMAC-based authorization and IP-based access controls.

ASP.NET Core Identity manages user data and secures against brute force attacks with login lockout. Azure VM simplifies project deployment with easy configuration and automation.

Read more about this project on our website:

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