Clearly. Mental health marketplace.
Clearly is a convenient platform that makes finding a psychotherapist easier and reduces it to a few steps. The three main features are profiling, search, and specialist-client matching.
Our goal was to create an online marketplace that makes finding a psychotherapist easier and reduces it to a few steps.
After two months, we have created an online marketplace consisting of a user and an admin application.
The three main features were profiling, search, and specialist-client matching.
In Clearly, psychotherapists go through a particular flow during registration. The first step is sending contact details. Next, therapists need to upload documents and recommendations. Clearly does not publish them but checks the education and qualifications of all experts.
The last, most crucial step is filling out a questionnaire about personality, values, experience, approach, venue, price, etc. This step allows us to determine the parameters by which the platform will recommend psychotherapists to customers. The number of such characteristics and algorithms used for their selection is constantly being improved based on real user data.
There are over 100 specialists on the Clearly platform with experience from 2 to 13 years. The number of psychotherapists is growing very fast, as is the number of requests. All specialists have higher psychological education and work in approaches recognized by the international community.
We use a low-code approach to support the product, change, and iterate quickly. It usually takes a few iterations to find a working business model and product-market fit. We use continuous ongoing support to iterate and test new hypotheses fast.
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