Assets & Sprites for Isometric City Builder
Isometric city builder games are a popular genre within the video game industry, known for their unique perspective that combines the benefits of both 2D and 3D environments.
You can find an isometric urban pack with lots of different designs for buildings, parks, characters, and more to make your game world really pop. We are excited to invite you to explore our set of isometric city-building sprites, named “Retropolis.”
So, a few words about “Retropolis”. This unique collection is inspired by the atmosphere of Miami in the 80s, reflecting the energy and style of the era in every design element. The reason behind such a name choice lies not only in its stylistic features but also in the desire to make it nostalgic, merging past and future in a singular urban environment. In “Retropolis,” you will find a diverse array of building designs, parks, characters, and many more elements that will make your game world memorable.
Here we have a map wireframe design for a city-building game. It outlines the game’s layout, structure, and organization without the distraction of textures, colors, or detailed graphics.
We researched many city-builder games and put together a collection of references. In total, we have created 43 unique isometric city sprites, carefully crafted for city-builder games. These resources are designed to give game developers a vast range of building styles to create diverse and lively urban landscapes.
All houses in your city are optimized as much as possible. Such optimization has an impact on the game’s performance in particular, increasing its speed capabilities. Moreover, all buildings have four levels of complexity and different styles: with each upgrade, the building becomes more detailed and luxurious, or retro if you want.
Key features of this asset set include a wide array of isometric building types, from commercial centers and residential blocks to cultural landmarks and industrial complexes.
The variety ensures that a game can include different city zones and neighborhoods, each with its own character. The quality of these sprites is evident in their colorful, detailed 3D models which bring depth and realism to the game environment.
Great-looking graphics are super important for town-building games. They make the game world feel real and fun to play in. When the graphics are top-notch, players really get into building and running their cities. They also make the game easier to play, as players can find their way around better and get more into the story.
These cool graphics help players feel proud of the cities they build, whether they’re big cities or small towns. This means players will want to keep coming back to play more.
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