November 16, 2024 1 min read

An Online Learning Platform for a Tutoring Company

Project Idea

Our customer is an American tutoring company that offers a job-embedded, blended online and in-person professional development model for teachers and leaders in various educational disciplines. They came up with an idea to build a digital knowledge and learning platform that would connect learners and tutors and provide tools for effective online learning experience.

The Solutions

We have delivered the solution by customizing and adding new features to the existing LMS core developed by the Piogroup team. The functionality includes:

  • different user and access types: administrators, tutors, students;

  • a module to manage accesses of specific users with specific roles;

  • a module to manage students’ and teachers’ attendance;

  • a feature to create additional content visible only for particular learning groups.

The ready learning management system was integrated with the current business website and customized according to the company style guidelines.


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