November 16, 2024 1 min read

A Learning Management System for a Language School

Project Idea

Our customer, a Ukrainian language school, reached out to our team with an idea to implement a solution that would help set up online learning processes in their organization.

The Solution

For the project, we have created a new school website and integrated it with the learning management solution based on the existing LMS core developed by the Piogroup team.

The platform received a range of new features such as:

  • integration of the video chat function using Jitsi;
  • integration of the Fondy payment system;
  • a module to keep track of customers’ payments;
  • extended user and course analytics;
  • a quiz module that automates the process of checking students’ testing.

The LMS has a friendly user interface and is customized according to the company style guidelines.

Tech Stack

WordPress, Symfony, React JS, Laravel, Quizlet, Websocket


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